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Student Support: Powered by Artificial + Human Intelligence

AI-Enhanced Advising for Postsecondary Pathways, A Playbook

This playbook was co-created by organizations participating in the Hybrid Advising Co-op in collaboration with other educational leaders working to expand the reach of college and career advising to students by augmenting human support with artificial intelligence (AI) technology.  The playbook is organized into the following chapters: making the case for hybrid advising, design choices and workflow, complexities of management and infrastructure, data systems and measurement and finally, scaling hybrid advising systems. A central theme throughout the playbook is the importance of maintaining human connections in student support while examining the potential of technology to enhance advising programs. The insights, challenges, successes, and recommendations shared by participating organizations offer a foundational guide–or playbook–for institutions seeking to augment their advising support to students with AI technology. 

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Student Support: Powered by Artificial + Human Intelligence

AI-Enhanced Advising for Postsecondary Pathways, Four-Part Webinar Series

This four-part series, facilitated by Shift and moderated by Maurice McCaulley (Program Officer, The Gates Foundation) between January and April 2024, focused on the transformative realm of Hybrid Advising–in which advisors access the power of AI technology to support students. This series showcased the experience of the five organizations collaborating in the Hybrid Advising Co-Op to learn faster together how to harness AI technology to advance student access and postsecondary success. Each webinar centered on a different theme and included guest speakers leading initiatives in relevant areas.


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Theory of Change for Culturally Responsive Mathematics Practices

This diagram describes the key levers or conditions to improve student experience in math classrooms. Embedded within the diagram are links to additional resources and descriptions for each key lever and associated change concepts.

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Teacher-Tested Practice Guide: Providing Student Choice Options

A “choice board” presents options for different types of problems students can work through to build conceptual understanding and demonstrate mastery of mathematical skills and procedures while also giving students a choice in the types of problems they work on.

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Teacher Tested Practice Guide: Using Student Rubrics to Self-Assess, Revise, and Improve

 Rubrics are helpful for teachers because they chart out how a student can gain mastery in a given skill. Rubrics are often used to offer summative assessments for students’ progress. When put directly in the student’s hands, however, rubrics can be a powerful bite-sized formative tool to self-assess understanding and promote learning.

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Teacher Tested Practice Guide: Surfacing and Addressing Misconceptions: My Favorite Mistake

Addressing student confusions and misconceptions is a continuous cycle that flows before, during and after each class period. The teacher plans curriculum and instruction designed to elicit or highlight common student mistakes, providing multiple different opportunities in class to surface, discuss, and address them. Teachers identify and address these misconceptions in warm-ups, while circulating during pair or group work, and during whole-class discussions.

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Teacher Tested Practice Guide: Multiple Entry Points and Strategies

Teachers intentionally scaffold and support the use of multiple methods such that students can navigate across a wide variety of problem framings and methods. Sometimes in math, students need to use a specific method to solve a problem and sometimes there are multiple methods possible. Using the practice of teaching multiple

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Teacher Tested Practice Guide: Error Identification Four-Square

This is an activity designed to show students common errors and corresponding solutions for different types of math problems, and to scaffold students’ ability to identify errors and describe solutions. Leveraging activities like this can help to normalize making mistakes as a part of the learning process.

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Teacher Tested Practice Guide: Presenting Social Justice Data from Trusted, Diverse Sources

Integrating content related to social justice inequities and current events into mathematics curricula can broaden students’ perspectives while they master mathematical concepts. Using relevant data from trusted sources around social justice topics and current events makes math content meaningful and thought-provoking for students. The classroom becomes an environment that can promote belonging

along with learning—particularly for Black and Latinx students and students experiencing poverty. The goal is to give students a foundation upon which they can gain an understanding of mathematical content through the lens of social justice issues and current events.

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Teacher Tested Practice Guide: Adapting Curriculum and Lesson Plans by Integrating Current Events

 Math curricula and lesson plans do not typically highlight the issues that affect the daily lives of many students, particularly those who identify as Black, Latinx, or Indigenous. For example, problem contexts that are extraordinarily relevant to students are rarely featured in standard curriculum. Teachers can create or adapt lessons and problem contexts to include more relevant examples (i.e. from current events) that allow students to bring their knowledge and experience into the classroom and create a more compelling reason for learning the mathematical concepts and procedures.

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